We just shut down the largest Zionist organization in the country!

Read the story and see the images of how we disrupted CUFI

The Interfaith Action for Palestine was a beautiful and a historic example of people of different traditions coming together to say with our voices, bodies, actions, presence, and intentions that our faith will not be used for genocide. In so many ways, the Interfaith Action for Palestine embodied the world we want to see as we opposed the violence of White Christian nationalism and Christian Zionism - a world shaped by solidarity, accessibility, partnership, and care.

Hundreds of us disrupted the Christians United for Israel summit with more than 10 unique actions. As one CUFI participant observed, we were everywhere. 

  • Monday morning, the opening of CUFI’s summit was delayed significantly by our interfaith choir singing songs of freedom and peace for Palestine for nearly an hour.

  • People attending CUFI’s pre-lobbying Q&A were confronted by us questioning why CUFI supports genocide.

  • When John Hagee, the antisemitic founder of CUFI finally got up to speak, he was interrupted five different times by IAP activists who powerfully declared truths like, “God loves Gaza”, “Alto al genocidio” (stop the genocide), and “Jews are not your pawns” before conference attendees and security aggressively removed them. Hagee was visually flustered for the remainder of his speech.

  • Outside the conference center, hundreds of people joined us for an Interfaith Worship Service.

  • While attendees were milling about the hotel lobby during lunch, a banner reading “Free Palestine” was unfurled from an overlooking balcony.

  • In the evening, attendees of the CUFI gala couldn’t even enjoy the sunset without seeking our group of  banner wielding kayakers, led by JVP-Metro DC, reminding them that “CUFI Kills.”

    At the end of Monday one of CUFI’s private security guards, who had earlier brutalized our friends, was seen looking at the kayakers’ “CUFI Kills” banner in the sunset, and rubbing his head in exasperation.  And that was just Day 1!

  • CUFI planned to send hundreds of right-wing Christians to Capitol Hill in order to motivate Congress members to continue supporting Israel’s US-funded genocide of Gaza. Interfaith clergy and supporters blocked their route to the Capitol, delaying their buses for an hour, and throwing their well-orchestrated plans into chaos.

  • As the buses finally unloaded at the Capitol, they were greeted by more Interfaith Action for Palestine participants holding an interfaith rally, praying for peace

  • The meetings that CUFI lobbyists were able to have were interrupted by a march through the Hart Senate building led by Mennonite Action — a powerful conclusion to their 140-mile march to DC.  

  • Politicians who met with CUFI, like Sen. Josh Hawley and Sen. Rick Scott, were bird-dogged by IAP participants trained by IfNotNow.

    We not only disrupted CUFI’s message, but also promoted our own message of peace, justice, solidarity, and liberation through even more activities including lobby visits, online workshops, in person teach-ins, making art together, and conversations over meals.

    In everything we did we took care of each other and created our own community together building our movements for a free Palestine. Intentional care was offered by movement chaplains throughout and after our actions, and people from around the world sent groundings, prayers, and encouragement. We hope these continue to inspire and ground you. 

    To all of you who participated in any part of the Interfaith Action for Palestine, YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN! We are deeply grateful for the trust you put in us, for the time and energy you took to show up for Palestine in this way, and for your commitment to ending this genocide.  

    If you are inspired by this work, and want to support our continued efforts, please donate to Christians for a Free Palestine (CFP) which coordinated logistics, including meals for the hundreds of people who joined us in person, space rental for our trainings, action supplies, and more.